Name : Jaimun
Address : Randu Rt 03/24, Desa Hargobinangun, Kec. Pakem , Kab. Sleman
Religion : Moslem
Gender : Male
Marital Status : Married
Email : jaimunpry@yahoo.co.id
Mobile No. : 085 868 078 400
Nationality : Indonesia
Educational Background:
1980 – 1984 Senior High School Diponegoro, Kediri
Working Experience:
1987 – 1992 Orthotic Prosthetic Technician Pusat Rehabilitasi YAKKUM
- Physical, Movement dan Mobility check. Patient measurement.
- Design mobility aids
- Make mobility aids
- Mobility aids fitting and train the patient to walk.
1993 – 1995 CO Coordinator Person with Disabilities Rehabilitation and Empowerment of Pusat Rehabilitasi YAKKUM
- Coordinate and set CO’s area.
- Coordinate work program and policy.
- Coordinate rehabilitation strategical movement and target
- Coordinate activity development monitoring meeting.
- Arrange project report and cooperate with the other divisions.
1996 – 2000 Project Manager Person with Disabilities Rehabilitation and Empowerment of Pusat Rehabilitasi YAKKUM
- Disabilities and poverty assessment, resource mapping.
- Make program and activity work plan.
- Coordinate the program with team.
- Assist CO to know about Logframe.
- Coordinate the details of activity and time schedule making.
- Coordinate monitoring tools making.
- Coordinate activity and achievement development.
- Arrange project report and cooperate with the other divisions.
- Coordinate the policy in the management level of the foundation.
- Cooperate with government and stakeholder.
2000 – 2017 Person with Disabilities capacity development dan disabilities mainstreaming for communities Trainer.
- CBR trainer for persons with disabilities and communities.
- Early detection and disabilities assessment trainer.
- Employment support for persons with disabilities trainer.
- Disabilities organizing trainer.
- DID trainer for persons with disabilities and communities.
2000 – 2018 Program Manager Rehabilitasi dan Pemberdayaan Disabilitas Pusat Rehabilitasi YAKKUM,
- Disabilities and poverty assessment, resource mapping.
- Make program and activity work plan.
- Coordinate the program with team.
- Assist CO to know about Logframe.
- Coordinate the details of activity and time schedule making.
- Coordinate monitoring tools making.
- Coordinate activity and achievement development.
- Arrange project report and cooperate with the other divisions.
- Coordinate the policy in the management level of the foundation.
- Cooperate with government and stakeholder.
Training & Workshop:
1995 – Training RBM from CBM Indonesia
1994 – Training PAR / CD from YAKKUM
2000 – Training LOGFRAME from CBM Indonesia
2001 – Training DRR from MPBI
2009 – Training Team Building Training, HR for non HRD , Spiritindo organizer.
2010 – Team Building training,Team Work training, Spiritindo organizer.
2011 – Team Building Training , Manage system and resource of organizations,Spiritindo
2011 – Training probelem Solving , Spiritindo organizer.
2014 – Training Suported Emploumen, Enrich New Zealand
2014 – Training DID , CBM Indonesia
Seminar Nasional 3:
Agama & Disabilitas
Selasa, 1 Agustus 2023
Pukul : 13.00 – 16.00 WIB
Lokasi : Auditorium PP Salafiyah Syafi’iyah